While all plants should be considered to be potentially toxic unless competently identified as being edible, a poisonous plant survey can help to identify those species that are particularly toxic or likely to be accidentally consumed.
Ideally the survey should be carried out during the plant growing season (April to September inclusively). If it is necessary to carry out the survey during winter months, an additional survey within the plant growing season may be required if deemed necessary.
A walkover of the site will be conducted and native and ornamental species of plant with known toxicity to humans will be identified and their position recorded. Main consideration will be given to plants that are considered to either be highly poisonous to humans if ingested and/or where the fruit or seeds of the plant have the potential to be mistakenly considered to be edible.
Following the Survey
A letter report will be produced detailing the survey methodology and any hazardous/poisonous plants or trees found on site.
Our Land Management team are able to undertake treatment or removal of poisonous species identified where necessary.
Request a quote
EMEC Ecology provides Poisonous Plant Surveys throughout Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, the East Midlands and the rest of the UK. Each survey will be specific to a site and the costs will vary accordingly.
If you require a quotation please send an email to us at mail@emec-ecology.co.uk including a site plan or aerial picture with the survey area boundary clearly indicated, along with your contact details. Should you wish to discuss your requirements further, please call us on 0115 964 4828.