All birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) whilst breeding. This legislation protects nests, eggs and unfledged young from damage, or destruction. Species listed under Schedule 1 of the WCA 1981 (as amended), have additional protection, which makes it an offence to disturb a bird while it is nest building, or at a nest containing eggs or young, or disturb the dependent young of such a bird. EMEC Ecology offers a variety of bird survey types, as follows.
Breeding Bird Survey
This type of survey can be used to identify the species breeding on site as well as their abundance and distribution during the breeding season (March to June inclusively).
The survey methodology will depend on the type of bird survey being conducted. To request a more detailed bird survey or barn owl survey information sheet, please email, specifying the information sheet required.
Following the Survey
We will provide a report detailing the results of our survey and any required mitigation as soon as possible following the survey, however; should you have a specific date for submission of a planning application we will do our utmost to accommodate this.
Mitigation Measures
Mitigation measures will be dependent on the nature of any planned works, the species of birds present and how they are using the site. Our Land Management team are experienced in implementing a variety of mitigation measures, such as bird box installation.
Request a quote
EMEC Ecology provides Bird Surveys throughout Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, the East Midlands and the rest of the UK. Each survey will be specific to a site and the costs will vary accordingly.rnrnIf you require a quotation please send an email to us at including any site plans that you have available (or details and photographs of the site if applicable) with details of the proposed works, along with your contact details. Should you wish to discuss your requirements further, please call us on 0115 964 4828.