Pond and Wetland Management
EMEC’s land management team has extensive experience in wetland management, including aquatic habitat management, ditch management, aquatic vegetation management, dredging, silt removal and pond management.
Calke Abbey Pond
Calke Abbey is a National Trust property in Derbyshire which had a pond which had become very overgrown. Surveyed by the ecologists from EMEC Ecology, great crested newts were recorded in low numbers. The remit was to reinstate the pond during November to a healthier condition by removing the bulk of the reedmace and common reed to create a large area of open water to benefit great crested newts, and to deepen the pond to prevent the vegetation quickly re-establishing.
Fairham Brook Coir
Fairham Brook is a 16 mile long tributary of Nottinghamshire’s River Trent mainly flowing through flat agricultural farmland. Over the centuries it has been dredged and straightened to look more like a man-made ditch than a natural brook. Funded by the Environment Agency, EMEC Land Management were tasked with installing pre-planted coir rolls for profiling the banks to a more natural state and to bring in a more diverse range of native plant species.