Artificial Badger Sett
Our team has many years experience of carrying out badger mitigation work, including the creation of artificial badger setts. EMEC has constructed artificial setts in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and across the East Midlands.
Artificial setts, sometimes known as badger bunkers, help to provide an alternative sett when their existing sett needs to be closed. Our ecology team will carry out comprehensive badger survey work at the planning stage, to ensure that the best location for an artificial sett is selected, based on the location of nearby setts and territorial boundaries. Finding suitable locations for artificial setts, which work with the habitats and topography of the surrounding land, helps to ensure successful colonisation by badgers.
Our team carefully design artificial setts with the inclusion of blind tunnels, offset chambers and other features mimicking those found in natural setts to encourage successful use by badgers. Where the setts may be subject to deliberate damage we will also incorporate features to reduce the likelihood of persecution.
Request A Quote
EMEC provides professional artificial badger sett creation at a competitive price throughout Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, the East Midlands and the rest of the UK.
If you require a quotation please send an email to us at mail@emec-ecology.co.uk including any site plans that you have available (or details and photographs of the site if applicable) with details of the proposed works, along with your contact details. Should you wish to discuss your requirements further, please call us on 0115 964 4828.