EMEC can undertake the translocation of notable plants, or areas of botanically valuable grassland. Such schemes may involve the translocation of orchids from part of a site being lost to development, to a new site which is safe and where the plants can be maintained. Translocations generally work best when it is possible to move a significant amount of the soil the plants are growing in. As such EMEC recommends the use of a large machines, with a large bucket capacity, in order to include as much of the soil surrounding the plant as possible in the translocation. This technique has been found to result in the best chance of the translocation being successful.

Following translocation of plants, it is important that aftercare is carried out to ensure the plants establish in the new location. EMEC can undertake aftercare, including watering, weed control and long term site management.

EMEC Ecology are also able to carry out monitoring surveys and produce management plans should these be required for a site you are working on.