The INNS identified and treated were Rhododendron, Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam using specific treatment methods as per each species. For the Rhododendron treatment, Eco Plugs were used and any brash left in situ for biosecurity purposes, Japanese Knotweed was sprayed by using a glyphosate solution and Himalayan Balsam hand pulled, piled and left in situ. The treatments were carried out across 2 seasons to ensure effective control. In order to identify the treatment areas, post and signs were erected at each site. Due to the extent, seasonality of the works and access of sites, a programme of works was created and used as a reporting tool for both EMEC and LMJV.
All works were evidenced through treatment packs broken down into sublots. This large assurance piece was undertaken by the team to supply a KMZ file of treated INNS & post and sign locations, photographs and associated documentation. These treatment packs were subject to a quality assurance process and uploaded to Asite – LMJV’s document control software.
Proudly, the INNS work package was one of the first to complete and excellent feedback was received from the client at a retrospective event.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the team at EMEC, but I would also like to draw attention to the efforts made by Ben initially and then the huge efforts made by Sarah-Marie to keep your works on track while integrating into a new position and project. I know that Phil & Joe made short work of the site works and that Rachel has been a consistent force helping with the thankless task of assurance before the cavalry arrived
Andrew Miles, Senior Engineer