Experts in ecology, biodiversity, land management and arboriculture.

Ensuring positive conservation outcomes
Established in 1991, East Midlands Environmental Consultants (trading as EMEC Ecology) is one stop shop for specialist ecology, land management and arboriculture services.
We provide our services to developers, planners, architects, power and extraction industries, utility companies, local authorities, government agencies and homeowners.
Our work includes major infrastructure contracts and large-scale ecological impact assessments for housing and industry. We provide a wide range of services for habitat creation and restoration projects, as well as urban greening and management planning for nature reserves. We also carry out bat surveys of barns and churches and habitat surveys of small-scale developments.
Delivering integrity in…
BS:5837 Tree Surveys, Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS), Tree Hazard Assessments, plus felling, pruning and planting.
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Site mapping, Habitat and vegetation mapping, Building and tree inspections, Photography and 3D mapping/ modelling and invasive species surveys.
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Ecological Assessment
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), BREEAM, Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and management plans.
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Ecological Mitigation
Badger sett closure, invasive species control, newt fencing, reptile trapping/translocation, water vole mitigation.
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Ecological Surveys
From Preliminary Ecological Assessments to specific species surveys including bats and great crested newts.
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Habitat Creation
Wetland creation, woodland planting, path installation, wildflower meadows, creation of artificial setts and holts.
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Habitat Management
Woodland, wetland, grassland management/restoration, vegetation and scrub clearance.
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Land Management
Specialists in ecological mitigation, habitat creation and habitat management.
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Species survey calendar
Most ecological surveys and mitigation work can only be undertaken at specific times of the year. Involving EMEC at a project’s inception will help to avoid delays and allow the most effective service to be provided.

Did you know?
We are one of 24 Wildlife Trust Consultancies and all of our profits are gift-aided to our local Wildlife Trust.